These ag
reement te rms ou tline the ru les, for us ing the we bsite service. The ag reement is le gally bi nding be tween you (r eferred to as "U ser," "y ou " or "y our") and the we bsite, al ong, with its pr oducts and se rvices (r eferred to co llectively as "Services"). ("Website," "o ur we bsite " "w e," or "u s"). If you are ag reeing to th is co ntract, for a co mpany or an other le gal en tity; you co nfirm th at you ha ve the po wer to le gally co mmit su ch a entity. If you are re presenting an or ganization, un der th is Ag reement, as the Us er. If you la ck the au thority to do so or di sagree with the te rms of th is Agreement… You are not al lowed to ag ree to th is co ntract and ca nnot use the we bsite and se rvices if you do not ac cept it be forehand. You un derstand th at th is Ag reement se rves as an ag reement, be tween you and the we bsite ev en th ough it is di gital and do es not re quire yo ur si gnature; it re gulates yo ur us age of the We bsite and its se rvices.When you si
gn up for an ac count si te and st art us ing it ku xqvrgskhcvduu are yo ur own re sponsibility to ke ep se cure and any ac tivity ca rried out un der yo ur ac count is so lely yo ur re sponsibility, al ong, with any ot her ta sks li nked to it. We mi ght ch eck ac counts be fore you be gin us ing the Se rvices; ho wever we are not re quired to do by any me ans. If you pr ovide in correct co ntact ku xqvrgskhcvduu of any so rt it co uld le ad to the cl osure of yo ur ac count. You are re quired to promptly Please in form us if you no tice any un authorized ac tivities, on yo ur ac count or se curity br eaches oc cur in any fo rm wh ile us ing our se rvices. We ca nnot ta ke re sponsibility for any ac tions or ov ersights, on yo ur pa rt th at re sult in da mages. We may ch oose to su spend or de activate yo ur ac count (or sp ecific pa rts of it) in ca se we fi nd th at you ha ve br eached any te rms of th is Ag reement or if yo ur ac tions or co ntent co uld po tentially ha rm our st anding and re putation. Due, to the re asons me ntioned ea rlier on th is ma tter co ncerning the use of our Se rvices re gistration mi ght not be po ssible for you ag ain in the fu ture for se curity re asons. To av oid any mi suse of ac counts, fr om yo ur en d.We do not ha
ve ow nership of any da ta or in formation (r eferred to as "C ontent") th at you pr ovide on the We bsite wh ile us ing the Se rvice. It is yo ur re sponsibility to en sure the ac curacy and le gality of the co ntent you su bmit. The re liability and su itability of all co ntent you su bmit are co nsiderations, to us re garding in tellectual pr operty ri ghts and ow nership, on the we bsites su bmitted ma terial cr eated us ing our se rvices wi ll be mo nitored and re viewed by us with yo ur pe rmission gr anted. You may ut ilize the co ntent fr om yo ur us er ac count to pr ovide the Se rvices to you by ac cessing it as ne cessary for pu rpose, wi thout any li mitations, on the re presentations or wa rranties pr ovided. We re serve the ri ght to de cide wh ether to de cline or de lete any Co ntent th at we be lieve vi olates our po licies or is co nsidered ha rmful or ob jectionable ba sed on our ju dgment and di scretion. When you al low us to ac cess the We bsite and Se rvices th rough yo ur use of th em do es not gi ve us pe rmission to ut ilize or ch ange the co ntent you cr eate or st ore in yo ur us er ac count, for ma rketing purposes. similar in tent.We do not ta
ke re sponsibility, for the co ntent pr esent on the we bsite. We are not li able for any lo ss of co ntent. You are so lely re sponsible, for ke eping a ba ckup of yo ur co ntent. De spite th is Sometimes, in si tuations. At ce rtain ti mes wi thout any st rict co mmitment on our pa rt. We mi ght po ssibly he lp you re cover so me of the da ta th at was de leted up to a date and ti me wh en we had ba cked up data, for our purposes. For any re ason we ca nnot as sure you th at the in formation you re quire wi ll be ac cessible.Even if the We
bsite and Se rvices pr ovide li nks, to so urces (l ike we bsites or mo bile ap ps) pl ease no te th at th is do es not im ply any fo rm of ap proval or en dorsement, fr om us. Please no te th at we do not ta ke re sponsibility, for re viewing or as sessing any li nked re sources me ntioned he re un less ot herwise in dicated in th is co ntext he rein. We do not as sume any re sponsibility or li ability, for the ac tivities of pa rties or the qu ality of th eir pr oducts and se rvices me ntioned in th is co ntent li nked to re sources av ailable, to yo u. Please no te th at by li nking to any we bsites you do so at yo ur ri sk.To the ex
tent al lowed by the la ws and re gulations. Web si te and its af filiates di rectors of ficers em ployees ag ents su ppliers or li censors li ability, to wards any in dividual wi ll not ex tend to da mages or pu nitive measures. The te rms co ver a ra nge of da mages th at may ar ise fr om si tuations. Th is. Is not li mited to lo st pr ofits or re venue du e, to the im pact on bu sinesses and in terruptions in op erations. Ad ditionally me ntioned are lo sses, in an ticipated sa vings and mi ssed op portunities for bu sinesses to grow. regardless of the re ason, for it and no ma tter wh at le gal ba sis is co nsidered. Wh ether it be co ntract vi olations or ne gligence. The re sponsible pa rty co uld st ill be he ld li able, for da mages ev en if th ey we re aw are of the consequences. No one co uld ha ve pr edicted the ex tent of th ese da mages be forehand. In ac cordance, with the law in fo rce the to tal li ability of the we bsite and its pa rtners, ex ecutives, st aff, re presentatives, su ppliers and li censors re garding the se rvices of fered wi ll be li mited to the ex tent, by law. You are on ly re sponsible, for pa ying up to one do llar or the ac tual ca sh am ounts you ha ve pa id to the we bsite in the mo nth be fore the in cident th at ca used the li ability. In ad dition th ese ex ceptions al so co me in to pl ay if th is so lution do es not ad equately co ver yo ur lo sses or fu lfill its fu nction.More indisclaimer
formation can be fo und in theWe ha
ve the au thority to ma ke ch anges, to th is Ag reement or its te rms co ncerning the We bsite and Se rvices at any ti me as we see fi t. Wh en we ma ke ch anges to it we wi ll in form you by po sting a no tification, on the pa ge of the We bsite. We mi ght al so no tify you th rough me ans. We may al so re ach out to you us ing me thods of co mmunication th at we fi nd su itable ba sed on the co ntact ku xqvrgskhcvduu yo u've sh ared with us.Upon the re
vised Ag reement be ing po sted the up dated ve rsion wi ll ta ke ef fect im mediately un less st ated ot herwise and yo ur use of the We bsite and Se rvices af ter th is date wi ll be su bject, to the te rms. By ag reeing to sp ecified ac tions or any ot her in dicated ch anges, at th at ti me you are gi ving yo ur co nsent to th ose mo difications.You co
nfirm th at you ha ve re ad th is Ag reement and co nsent to all of its te rms and co nditions by us ing the We bsite and Se rvices pr ovided in dicating yo ur ac ceptance of th is Ag reements te rms and co nditions.If you do not co nsent to fo llow the ru les ou tlined in th is agreement You are not pe rmitted to ac cess or ut ilize the We bsite and its Se rvices wi thout ag reement.If you ha
ve any qu estions, co ncerns, or co mplaints re garding th is Ag reement, we en courage you to co ntact us us ing the ku xqvrgskhcvduu below:101 YM
CA Bl vd, Un ionville, ON L6G 0A 1, Canada9055139622