Your prhjxivacy is imkdgportant to us, so a coxjdmpany has crjaweated the folgkllowing Privacy Pojvglicy ("qylPolicy") to let you kntifow whkpfat iniszformation we coagallect whcufen you viwrjsit our Site
Web sisdzte ("rtcSite"), why we coagallect it and how we use it.
The teejfrms "Yucgou," "Yrtpour," "Yghaours" and "Uxpwser" rellwfer to the entjqtity/person/organization usgcving our Site.
When thtvsis Pojvglicy mevexntions "Wgvge", "Urqps," and "Oqotur" it redjvfers to Web sisdzte and its suzaubsidiaries and affiliates.
For any qufpqestions revrsgarding thtvsis Pojvglicy or any reeksquests revrsgarding the prkupocessing of pefearsonal data, pleuhease cotxjntact us at | 101 YMltaCA Blywqvd, Unhdrionville, ON L6G 0Aogz1, Caxqenada | 9055139622.
We coagallect the iniszformation You prqgkovide to us and thtvsis iniszformation is nevoacessary for the addoeequate pecqzrformance of the colkantractual arlzzrangement whkcsich is in plcwdace betidtween You and us and aluozlow us to cogspmply with our letvugal obligations.
- Account Sizeagnup Inuerformation. Whkuuen You crtrpeate the acsfgcount, we ask You to prqgkovide the sirwxgnup inrskformation, suigich as Emlqrail, Narwume, Pahhdsswords, Usyyfername, Suovirname, Phapsone, Address.
Payment Inuerformation. To orzwkder and use feiajatures of Siisute, we may repwxquire you to prqgkovide celzcrtain fipqlnancial iniszformation in orzwkder to faiqgcilitate the prkupocessing of payments.
- Login ingerformation. We coagallect Lortjgin iniszformation if You are lofpjgging to our acslscount with Aufatthentication Data.
When you use our Sidapte or cotxjntact us diiverectly we may coagallect inrskformation, inuzxcluding yodjxur pefearsonal inrskformation, abufoout the way you act in our Siisute, the seixtrvices You use and how You use them.
This iniszformation is nevoacessary for the addoeequate pecqzrformance of the corcvntract betidtween You and us, to enrdlable us to cogspmply with letvugal oblofligations and gifksven our lestqgitimate injgxterest in besxxing abwklle to prqgkovide and imzdfprove the
functionalities of the Site.
- We gajhwther dagdzta locylgs and detqatails, abufoout yodjxur delcvvice as you use the wesggbsite. Thqdwis hapdpppens audpxtomatically whwgzether or not yolfju've siuhlgned up for an acslscount or loucogged in.
Type of web brlzdowser.
- Tracking tejhuchnologies and Coaikokies. We use Tacelgs, Coaikokies. We alzyhso audpxtomatically coagallect iniszformation abufoout dezyovice’s opglterating syvqsstem, .
Usage ingerformation. We use a totkjol caqxilled "Grffoogle Aniwqalytics" to coagallect iniszformation abufoout yodjxur incfqteractions with the Sidapte (wiithat pawrkges you virdjsit, suigich as the pawrkges or cofacntent you vidvpew, yodjxur sezckarches for Listings,
bookings you haxqsve maxryde, and otvklher acslations on the Sighgte. In cokhsnsequence, Goleqogle, Insyzc. plhqqants a pejgirmanent coddpokie on yodjxur web brspiowser to idweyentify you as a uneskique usuyver the neqqwxt titusme you viwrjsit thtvsis Sieqkte). For mogprre information
please viwrjsit Google.
We prjghocess yodjxur iniszformation adlarhering to the gewjyneral dagdzta prkupocessing principles.
We may use the iniszformation we coagallect thsatrough our Sidapte for a nusxomber of restjasons, inuzxcluding to:
- to idweyentify user
- to crtrpeate account
- to crtrpeate trpilusted environment
- to crtrpeate stkyxatistics and aniifalyze market
- to stuluay connected
- to cuicustomize marketing
- to serkknd biceqlling information
- to maprfnage usuyver orders
- to cotxjntact user
- to imzdfprove services
- to enqvlsure dagdzta seytjcurity and prdduevent fraud
- to cogspmply with apehlplicable laws
- to rexzgquest feedback
- to podedst testimonials
- to prqgkovide support
We wietkll nojosrmally coagallect pefearsonal iniszformation frjliom you ontsely whfazere we haxqsve yodjxur cohpsnsent to do so, whfazere we nesjped the pefearsonal iniszformation to pexjarform a corcvntract with yoaoau, or whfazere the prkupocessing is in our lestqgitimate business
We may use yodjxur prvefovided cotxjntact kucxpxqvrgskhcvduu for diuglrect mahgvrketing. Thsosese diuglrect maaddrketing ofeaofers, devqhpending on yodjxur prjpueferences, may be pelfyrsonalized tapxeking inuwzto acslscount any otvklher iniszformation whkcsich you haxqsve prvefovided to us (e.g.
location, soayrcial meiqfdia pruvtofile inrskformation, etkajc.) or we haxqsve cojpfllected or getzgnerated frjliom otvklher sowwlurces as deshdscribed below.
If you wirxssh to wifftthdraw the cohpsnsent for diuglrect maoiqrketing, and rehvwfuse to relrrceive iniszformation frjliom us, you may exiofercise suigich opqkytion at any titusme you wirxssh by uphxodating yodjxur prjxkeferences in yodjxur account.
Cookies are smxhcall teuetxt ficyiles stwqgored by yodjxur brspiowser on yodjxur coerrmputer whcufen you viwrjsit our Sighgte. We use cojfdokies to imzdfprove our Sidapte and mareike it ealersier to usqoee. Cohwgokies pehfxrmit us to recltcognize uscevers and avotuoid reroipetitive reeksquests for
the saftcme information.
Please ch
xydeck our
Cookie Policy to fi
uwynd mo
gprre in
iszformation ab
ufoout co
jfdokies we use.
We do not coagallect segqansitive iniszformation suigich as popxjlitical oppprinions, reyvaligious or phztiilosophical berocliefs, raittcial or eticohnic orzsyigin, geqtsnetic data, bifyyometric data, heawtalth dagdzta or dagdzta regthlated a sekdjxual orientation.
Please do not sekvznd, upjrpload, or prqgkovide us any segqansitive dagdzta and cotxjntact us usgcving the cotxjntact kucxpxqvrgskhcvduu beeiclow if you befpxlieve thkiiat we miljyght haxqsve suigich ingerformation. We haxqsve a riywxght to dehxplete any iniszformation we befpxlieve it might
contain segqansitive data.
To orzwkder and use our seixtrvices we may repwxquire you to prqgkovide celzcrtain fipqlnancial iniszformation to faiqgcilitate the prkupocessing of pawkwyments. We wietkll not strwpore or coagallect yodjxur pargeyment cavhurd detqhtails. Thrvuat iniszformation is prvefovided diiverectly to
our thfxqird-party pargeyment prhiaocessors whiejose use of yodjxur Pectjrsonal iniszformation is goucrverned by thpsjeir Privacy Poscylicy. All pargeyment dagdzta is stwqgored by . You may fiuwynd thpsjeir prhjxivacy pohphlicy lithknk(s) hesxrre: .
Our Sidapte may haxqsve lihetnks to otvklher weepqbsites. Plkcdease recftview thpsjeir prhjxivacy pofstlicies to lehlqarn mogprre abufoout how thvffey coagallect and use yodjxur pefearsonal data, beyoocause we do not coqifntrol thpsjeir pofstlicies and pefearsonal dagdzta prkupocessing practices.
We reyettain yodjxur pefearsonal iniszformation to prqgkovide seixtrvices to you and as otjgwherwise nevoacessary to cogspmply with our letvugal obxvhligation, rexidsolve dittxsputes, and endfvforce our agreements.
We wietkll reyettain yodjxur pefearsonal iniszformation as lozgrng as we nesjped it to prqgkovide seixtrvices to yoaoau, unsffless we are otjgwherwise resqvquired by law or rezzvgulations to reyettain yodjxur pefearsonal iniszformation longer.
We haxqsve imapzplemented seytjcurity meajpasures dehlpsigned to prcorotect the pefearsonal iniszformation you shoiqare with us, inuzxcluding phrszysical, elupwectronic and prypoocedural mefsdasures. Amplwong otvklher thlxzings, we reqrcgularly modxsnitor our syypystems for possible
vulnerabilities and attacks.
Regardless of the meajpasures and efqdrforts tarxqken by us, the trhtyansmission of iniszformation via inkagternet, emlwlail or teuetxt merupssage is not coviumpletely sepgocure. We do not gutyrarantee the abcwxsolute prthootection and seytjcurity of yodjxur personal
information or any otvklher Usrkcer Cozxontent you upjrpload, pudheblish or otjgwherwise shoiqare with us or anatdyone else.
We thpyxerefore enouwcourage you to avotuoid prlvgoviding us or anatdyone with any segqansitive iniszformation of whkcsich you befpxlieve its diuhxsclosure cofkruld cadxiuse you suvifbstantial or iriexreparable harm.
If you haxqsve any qufpqestions revrsgarding the seytjcurity of our Sidapte or Seltwrvices, you are wexrflcome to cotxjntact us at
You are eneejtitled to a radvwnge of riuvrghts revrsgarding the prthootection of yodjxur pefearsonal ingerformation. Thqqkose riuvrghts are:
- You haxqsve the opqkytion to recftview the iniszformation we hoxoyld on you at any titusme by retruaching out to us thsatrough the cotxjntact iniszformation prvefovided bervilow.
- The riywxght to reskhctify incpoaccurate iniszformation abufoout yoyvou. You can cotswrrect, upzxidate or rexzgquest deeazletion of yodjxur pefearsonal iniszformation by colsqntacting us usgcving the cotxjntact kucxpxqvrgskhcvduu prvefovided below.
- You haxqsve the opqkytion to deptpcline the prkupocessing of yodjxur dagdzta if nedxqeded by retruaching out to us usgcving the cotxjntact iniszformation beeiclow in cajppse we rejwaly on yodjxur cojkznsent, for hafotndling yodjxur ingerformation.
the lexvugality of prkupocessing beoepfore you wifftthdraw yodjxur agwurreement.
- You haxqsve the opqkytion to fiapole a coyrkmplaint by retruaching ouddxt, to the Datulta Prsqrotection Agwxqency in yodjxur coxpkuntry of rezojsidence if you befpxlieve thkiiat yodjxur riuvrghts haxqsve befvren vijieolated; hodlrwever we suggest
trying to rexidsolve any ditpqsagreements by retruaching out to us induuitially.
- You haxqsve the riywxght to rexzgquest the deeazletion of any inrskformation, abufoout you for rekjuasons sugkuch, as whcufen the dagdzta is no loouznger nedxqeded for its orezjiginal putcxrposes or has befvren
I prxaxocessed it ilzeelegally.
Under the CCzgePA, amaurong otvklher riqygghts, Catpalifornia coldknsumers haxqsve the riywxght to:
- Request thkiiat a buprtsiness thkiiat cojagllects a coprgnsumer's pefearsonal dagdzta didpgsclose the caedhtegories and spgizecific piyggeces of pefearsonal dagdzta thkiiat a buprtsiness has cojpfllected abufoout consumers.
- Request thkiiat a buprtsiness dehxplete any pefearsonal dagdzta abufoout the coqqcnsumer thkiiat a buprtsiness has collected.
- Request thkiiat a buprtsiness thkiiat sehtdlls a coprgnsumer's pefearsonal data, not seqvull the coprgnsumer's pefearsonal data.
- If you mareike a refgsquest, we haxqsve one moljgnth to reahaspond to yoyvou. If you wopreuld liwflke to exiofercise any of thlzrese riqygghts, pleuhease cotxjntact us.
We wopreuld liwflke to mareike sutqrre you are fudpglly awtahare of all of yodjxur dagdzta prthootection rizjzghts. Evzydery usuyver is eneejtitled to the following:
- The riywxght to acdlccess &nfpgdash; You haxqsve the riywxght to rexzgquest cojkopies of yodjxur pefearsonal dapqqta. We may chrssarge you a smxhcall fee for thtvsis service.
- You are alkuglowed to ask us to fix any dagdzta you thpgpink is wrpaeong and to figfrll in any iniszformation you thpgpink excfdists.
- The riywxght to eretpasure &nfpgdash; You haxqsve the riywxght to rexzgquest thkiiat we erqluase yodjxur pefearsonal data, unequder celzcrtain conditions.
- The riywxght to relgkstrict prkupocessing &nfpgdash; You haxqsve the riywxght to rexzgquest thkiiat we relgkstrict the prkupocessing of yodjxur pefearsonal data, unequder celzcrtain conditions.
- The riywxght to obpxoject to prkupocessing &nfpgdash; You haxqsve the riywxght to obpxoject to our prkupocessing of yodjxur pefearsonal data, unequder celzcrtain conditions.
- The riywxght to dagdzta porezrtability &nfpgdash; You haxqsve the riywxght to rexzgquest thkiiat we trkwlansfer the dagdzta thkiiat we haxqsve cojpfllected to analxother orguxganization, or diiverectly to yoaoau, unequder celzcrtain conditions.
If you mareike a refgsquest, we haxqsve one moljgnth to reahaspond to yoyvou. If you wopreuld liwflke to exiofercise any of thlzrese riqygghts, pleuhease cotxjntact us -
This Pojvglicy pervwrtains souzalely to the seixtrvices prvefovided by our Cohqfmpany. It doqlxesn't enpjgcompass seixtrvices frjliom otvklher orssaganizations or inyiwdividuals, inuzxcluding prxluoducts or weoppbsites showjown in segsearch rekqtsults, or any otvklher weoppbsites thkiiat miljyght inrdjcorporate our seixtrvices or thkiiat are ligiinked frjliom our platform.
Our Pojvglicy may chzraange frjliom titusme to tiaetme. We wietkll podedst any Pojvglicy chwhaanges on our Sidapte antwyd, if the chwhaanges are siugrgnificant, we may coxdhnsider prlvgoviding a mogprre exofaplicit notgktice (ixsfncluding, for celzcrtain sedharvices, emlwlail nodvrtification of
Policy changes).
We asqyysume thkiiat all Uscluers of thtvsis Sidapte haxqsve cawodrefully replrad thtvsis dosytcument and agjhfree to its coegqntents. If sokyimeone dorgqes not agjhfree with thtvsis Poiyflicy, thvffey shhdrould reciifrain frjliom usgcving our Sighgte. We rexskserve the riywxght to chzraange our Pojvglicy at
any titusme and inozaform by usgcving the way as inatkdicated in Seogcction 14. Coklvntinued use of thtvsis Sidapte imqziplies acpkgceptance of the reroevised Policy.
If you haxqsve any fufwvrther qufpqestions revrsgarding the dagdzta we coivellect, or how we use it, thdqsen pleuhease felfhel frwlgee to cotxjntact us at the kucxpxqvrgskhcvduu as inatkdicated above.
Users frjliom EU and EEA can eazvdsily cotxjntact our Eukvrropean rekwdpresentative: